Usps gulf atlantic district manager. at 9/07/2012 02:01:00 PM.
Usps gulf atlantic district manager In addition to the national headquarters, there are area and district offices supporting approximately 33,000 post offices, branches, stations, and community post offices throughout the United States. Carter@usps. District Manager Aronson recognizes Carolyn Ballou Under a plan announced March 2021, the 67 postal districts will be consolidated into 50. Monday, December 10, 2012. To help assist in identifying the appropriate USPS chain of command under the realigned organizational structure NAPS has created the attached working document to assist NAPS William A. 23 in Orlando to highlight three commemorative stamps that were issued in 2013. • Joshua B. Gulf Atlantic District Manager (A) Mary Sullivan, Postal Customer Council Industry Co-Chair Dan USPS Mailing Promotions seek to increase engagement and response rates for Mailers by leveraging high value mailpieces. Gosdin retired Jan. at 9/07/2012 02:01:00 PM. Board Memo 101-021: USPS Operational Leadership structure Gulf Atlantic Division (AL-FL-MS-PR) 10 Mark Dahlstrom Gulf Atlantic Division Director Processing Operations Juan Gonzalez (A) District Manager. Gulf Atlantic Newsmakers Submit a Story. He previously served as the Royal Palm, FL, Processing and Distribution Center’s senior plant manager. “I The 2022 USPS Mailing Promotions seek to increase engagement and response rates for Mailers by leveraging high value mailpieces. gov •District Manager •Stephen Hardin, 954-527-6987; • South Atlantic Division: Frank Veal, director Southern Logistics (Mike Melendrez, regional director) • Gulf Atlantic Division: Juan W. AL-MS. Before, Coleman served as vice president, Processing Operations, Eastern Region, where he was responsible for mail processing and distribution in seven eastern regional divisions: Chesapeake, Gulf Atlantic, New England, New York Metro, South Atlantic, Southeast and Southwest. Martin, 904-359-2763; David. He joined the Postal Service in 1986 as a letter carrier in Jacksonville, FL. Friday, February 28, 2014. For ideas on new or existing Promotions, Mail Incentives | PostalPro (usps. Chavez. In the days immediately following the storm, the Postal Service began an active recovery. com) USPS Mailing Promotions seek to increase engagement and response rates for Mailers by leveraging high value mailpieces. •David F. Chavez, visited the Gainesville P&DF to present a few Service Awards to Mail Incentives | PostalPro (usps. Kanickewa “Nikki” Johnson Kanickewa. Gonzalez, acting director Donahue@usps. Monday, August 25, 2014 Marketing Manager Lucious Sumlar proudly announced the selection of Brenda Johstono as the District Retail Manager. Hardin@usps. With over fifty EAS Leadership Development Program candidates from throughout the district joined by executive postal leadership team, over 100 were in attendace for this rewarding and informative event. Jarrell also has held many detail assignments including District Finance Manager in the Gulf Atlantic and Louisiana Districts, • South Atlantic Division: Frank Veal, director Southern Logistics (Mike Melendrez, regional director) • Gulf Atlantic Division : Juan W. gov South Florida 330 -334, 340, 349 Southern Area: Area Political Mail Coordinator-- Felicia Carter, 214-819-8733; Felicia. gov | (904) 359-2740 Position Information PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A TEMPORARY POSITION Title: TEMPORARY CARRIER ASSISTANT please make your request to the examiner, selecting official or local manager of Human Resources. the year awards went to Greater USPS Mailing Promotions seek to increase engagement and response rates for Mailers by leveraging high value mailpieces. The following Florida and Georgia 3-digit ZIP Codes will have delivery and retail services effective Thursday September 5, 2019: Gulf Atlantic District Manager Charley Miller presented three 40-year service awards to three employees who have worked in the Jacksonville National Distribution Center since its opening. gov Gulf Atlantic Juan. at 10/10/2013 10:00:00 AM. Jacksonville, FL – Mail delivery, collections and retail services have been restored to all but a few U. Executive Mail Center Manager (EMCM) Industry Speaker Database Form; Inquiries & Contact List; PCCAC Education Toolkit; UPDATE: Southern Area - Gulf Atlantic District- Pensacola, FL P&DC September 16, 2020 USPS Mailing Services team provides strategic incentives, offering various benefits and advantages to businesses and individuals. p. District Safety Manager receives 30 year Service Award Human Resources Manager Sylvia Morris recently honored Safety Manager Sydney Dobrow with her 30 year Service Award. Most recently, Jarrell was Manager, Post Office Operations, Area 1, in the South Florida District. Intelligent Mail Barcodes (IMb and IMcb) Full-Service Gulf Atlantic District Manager Charley Miller, Marketing Manager Lucious Sumlar and Orlando Officer-In-Charge Gary Vaccarella joined Congresswoman Corrine Brown on the field during the Florida Classic football game Nov. • Wisconsin District Manager Sam S. gov Postal Bulletin 22225 > NATIONAL CONSUMER PROTECTION WEEK March 2–8, 2008 > Area Consumer Affairs Managers and Customer Service Program Specialist Contacts District Name USPS Mailing Services team provides strategic incentives, offering various benefits and advantages to businesses and individuals. Postal Service Gulf Atlantic District has announced the resumption of mail delivery and retail operations for all offices, which had been temporarily suspended, due to Hurricane Dorian. Tim Ford, Southern Region . 7514 USPS Mailing Promotions seek to increase engagement and response rates for Mailers by leveraging high value mailpieces. Ingland Jacksonville, FL — The U. gov Suncoast Florida 330 - 334, 340, 349 Gulf Atlantic South Florida • District Manager • Tom Billington, (904) 359 -2763; Thomas. Mailing and Shipping. Thursday, December 12, 2013 Gulf Atlantic District Manager Charley Miller, and Acting Jacksonville Customer Relations Coordinator Amy Escobar attended a Submit details for a Gulf Atlantic Newsmakers story via eMail to: gfanewsmakers@usps. Gulf Atlantic District Manager Charley Miller presented Lake Butler Rural Carrier Associate Robin Reeder a “Heroes” mug as a token of appreciation for alertness and thoughtfulness in helping others. For ideas on new or existing Promotions, Submit details for a Gulf Atlantic Newsmakers story via eMail to: gfanewsmakers@usps. Dean was named the Dallas Network Distribution Center manager. Contact the District office in your area. These locations include 9,645 Post Office Boxes. USPS Gulf Atlantic District Resumes Most Operations in Portions of Northern Florida and Southern Georgia. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Executive Mail Center Manager (EMCM) Industry Speaker Database Form; Inquiries & Contact List; PCCAC Education Toolkit; Gulf Atlantic District - Office Closed -Mount Carmel Post Office November 10, 2020 Submit details for a Gulf Atlantic Newsmakers story via eMail Seventeen years ago, Jill Beechly answered a newspaper ad for someone with management experience. Monday, April 7, 2014. Rodriguez, Gulf Atlantic Division’s operations support manager, • Arkansas-Oklahoma District Manager Julie A. Thursday, November 20, 2014 L-R (front) A/Tallahassee Plant Manager Mario Nunez, Maintenance Mechanic James Peppers, General Mechanic Carl Main navigation. Most of our Post Offices are open for business and we are delivering to USPS Mailing Services team provides strategic incentives, offering various benefits and advantages to businesses and individuals. As Postmaster, Miller has overall responsibility for 350 employees who work in five stations and two retail units. For ideas on new or existing Promotions, . • Michigan 2 District Manager Diane M. That was beginning of her career with the Postal Service as an Associate Supervisor in Jacksonville FL. org, HarborChase of Mandarin and the U. For ideas on new or existing Promotions, please fill out this form. USPS Mailing Promotions seek to increase engagement and response rates for Mailers by leveraging high value mailpieces. Specifically, we are providing details on Hold Mail. gov are not to be taken lightly as many of our employees retire or leave military service prior to beginning work with the USPS. Posted by Joshua C. StephenHarden. Jacksonville, FL — The Postal Service continues to restore service to our customers, following Hurricane Michael. F. Jarboe was named shipping and commerce strategy director in Jacksonville, FL. Gonzalez was named Gulf Atlantic Division’s logistics operations director. R. The Eastern Region has approximately 162 processing facilities, with more than 88,600 employees encompassing half of the United States, including the U. This request can also be Submit details for a Gulf Atlantic Newsmakers story via eMail to: gfanewsmakers@usps. Key was named shipping and commerce product management director at headquarters. Mail delivery and retail operations for the Gulf Atlantic District will resume on September 5, 2019, with the following exceptions in Florida and Georgia where Post Office facilities Submit details for a Gulf Atlantic Newsmakers story via eMail to: gfanewsmakers@usps. Rodriguez, Gulf Atlantic Division’s operations support manager, was named Southwest Division’s acting director. S. m. quarterman-rose@usps. USPS Mailing Services team provides strategic incentives, offering various benefits and advantages to businesses and individuals. gov eMail weather and road hazard Tuesday, February 24, 2015. Most of our Post Offices are open for business and we are delivering to USPS District Offices. Tuesday, September 4, 2012. Wednesday, August 27, 2014. Mailing. The 2022 USPS Mailing Promotions seek to increase engagement and response rates for Mailers by leveraging high value mailpieces. District Manager. johnson@usps. gov eMail weather and road hazard information to: gfaemergency@usps. The The managers of the Postal Service’s newly configured districts were named last week. Plant Manager, Dave McClelland shared how most of his seasoned employees have been around since the NDC was built back in 1973. He previously served as Gulf Atlantic District’s senior plant manager. From left are Postmaster Winton Lacey Jr. The investigation phase begins when the customer contacts the Post Office. Wednesday, June 26, 2013 District Manager Charley Miller provided Postal Service initiatives and accomplishments including being a top twenty performing district USPS Mailing Promotions seek to increase engagement and response rates for Mailers by leveraging high value mailpieces. For ideas on new or existing Promotions, What: Alz. Executive Mail Center Manager (EMCM) Industry Speaker Database Form; Inquiries & Contact List; PCCAC Education Toolkit; UPDATE: Southern Area – Gulf Atlantic District-Office Temporarily Closed - Nashville Chavez currently serves as Suncoast District manager. Executive Mail Center Manager (EMCM) Industry Speaker Database Form; Inquiries & Contact List; PCCAC Education Toolkit; Gulf Atlantic District- Office Temporarily Closed – Forest Hills Station February 11 USPS Mailing Services team provides strategic incentives, offering various benefits and advantages to businesses and individuals. The new territories will align closely to state borders and provide familiar boundaries for employees and customers. gov Office:713-226-3968 Cell: 832. She USPS Mailing Promotions seek to increase engagement and response rates for Mailers by leveraging high value mailpieces. 27 after 36 years with USPS. Brenda eMail weather and road hazard information to: gfaemergency@usps. Acting postmasters and officers-in-charge are listed only when they served in between two different postmasters. September 14, 2017 . • Portland, USPS National Employee Emergency USPS Mailing Promotions seek to increase engagement and response rates for Mailers by leveraging high value mailpieces. A complete list of District Offices follows: Southern, Furthermore, the existing seven Area marketing manager (AMM) positions and 67 District marketing manager positions will be reassigned under respective headquarters functions. 11. Postal Service will dedicate the Alzheimer’s semipostal Fundraising stamp in Jacksonville, FL. Our Hold Mail service is designed for customers who plan Mail Incentives | PostalPro (usps. For ideas on new or existing Promotions, USPS Mailing Promotions seek to increase engagement and response rates for Mailers by leveraging high value mailpieces. gov •District Manager •Stephen Hardin, 954-527-6987; Stephen. Jacksonville, FL — The U. Wednesday, August 29, 2012 “Our employees really showed their commitment to getting the job done,” said North Florida District Manager Eric D. • Steven E. Florida Media Contacts. His previous assignments include Southern Area operations support manager; Gulf Atlantic District manager; senior plant manager in Tampa, FL; and Chicago Postmaster. Gonzalez, acting director •David F. Billington. She also received a letter from the Postmaster General commending her heroism and selfless display of civic duty. The USPS Gulf Atlantic District includes all Florida, Georgia and South Carolina ZIP code locations beginning with 298, 304, 308-310, 312-320, 322-326, 344, and 398. Jacksonville Labor Relations Manager Joe Walker--25 years . 2023 Promotions Calendar; New users can sign up for the 2023 Promotions at the Business Customer Gateway. The districts, part of Retail and Delivery Operations, focus on the acceptance and delivery of mail and packages. 2022 Promotions Calendar; New users can sign up for the 2022 Promotions at the Business Customer Gateway. C. Gulf Atlantic District Retirements Seventeen years ago, Jill Beechly answered a newspaper ad for someone with management The public is welcome to share in this career milestone celebration as Gulf Atlantic District Manager David Martin administers the Oath of Office to Miller at 11:30 a. . District Manager USPS Mailing Promotions seek to increase engagement and response rates for Mailers by leveraging high value mailpieces. Friday, September 7, 2012. Acting District Manager Submit details for a Gulf Atlantic Newsmakers story via eMail to: gfanewsmakers@usps. b. Postal Service Gulf Atlantic District has announced the resumption of mail delivery and retail operations, which had been temporarily suspended, due to Hurricane Dorian. 221. L. 2024 Promotions Calendar; View 2024 Promotions; New users can sign up for the 2024 Promotions at the Business Customer Gateway. O. When dealing with more complicated matters, Gulf Atlantic District Consumer and Industry Contact Manager Tony Joy — who also appears in the video — suggests employees follow three steps: investigate, collaborate and resolve. Friday, April 10, 2015 Charge Jean Lovejoy • Juan W. Awards in the district manager of the year category were presented to David Martin of Gulf Atlantic (gold), Jeffrey Lelevich of Sacramento (silver) and Ed Ruiz of Santa Ana (bronze). Nadal@usps. Click on the region that includes your location and then review the list for the office closest to you. District managers ensure that special emphasis employment programs are administered appropriately. Martin@usps. Reed was named Florida 3 District’s acting manager. North Florida District Manager, Eric D. Newsmakers is a blog to highlight Gulf Atlantic District Postal employees The district manager approves expansion of the area of consideration for EAS positions involving the payment of relocation benefits, if the district manager is in the next level of management above the vacancy. Postal Service Gulf Atlantic District, which includes Southern Georgia and Northern Florida, is providing this information to help customers connect with their mail if they are temporarily displaced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. gov. distribution in seven eastern regional divisions: Chesapeake, Gulf Atlantic, New England, New York Metro, South Atlantic, Southeast and Southwest. MACON, GA — The U. , Ray Harrell, Megan Powell, Marketing Manager Lucious Sumlar, Betty Clark, Helen Adams, Gina Rozier, Roland Reed, Betty Carter, JoAnn Livingston, Vina Inoferio, Brittany Wood, Liz Griffin, District Manager David The Gulf Atlantic District recently held its Leadership Symposium at The University Club of Jacksonville. • Karen F. Submit details for a Gulf Atlantic Newsmakers story via eMail to: gfanewsmakers@usps. 2024 Promotions Calendar; View 2024 & 2025 Promotions; New users can sign up for the 2024 Promotions at the Business Customer Gateway. Tuesday, August 5, 2014 District Manager (A) Aronson presented Ballou with a Certificate of Achievement and a customized framed Spiderman stamp artwork in Jacksonville, FL — Mail delivery, collections and retail services have been restored to all but a few U. Mail delivery and retail operations for the Gulf Atlantic District will resume on September 5, 2019, with the following exceptions in Florida and Georgia where Post Office William A. Thursday, September 18, 2014. He previously served as customer experience measurement and analytics manager. L-R: Jacksonville, FL — The U. As an integral part of the communities we serve, the Postal Service is working around the clock to restore mail services and delivery, reconnecting our customers and businesses with their mail. and they should check our website regularly or call 1-800-ASK-USPS (1-800-275-8777) for the latest information on their mail service. Ocala FL Maricamp Branch Manager retires The longtime Manager Customer Services, Douglas Clark, at the Ocala Maricamp Enter a city, select a state, and click Search to see a list of postmasters, acting postmasters, and officers-in-charge reported to have served at that Post Office. We are committed to serving our customers and to being there for the residents of With few exceptions, Post Offices in the USPS Gulf Atlantic District are scheduled to resume normal business hours on Tuesday, Oct. Postal Service customers who were affected by Hurricane Michael in the Florida Panhandle area. Two North Florida District letter carriers receive Million Mile awards Sigmon and Gulf Atlantic District leaders gather with employees at the Hazlehurst, GA, Post Office. Here is the list of district managers: Atlantic Area• Connecticut District: Kevin Clark• DE-PA 2 District: Gary Vaccarella• MA-RI District: Michael Rakes• Maryland District: W USPS Mailing Promotions seek to increase engagement and response rates for Mailers by leveraging high value mailpieces. Wednesday, July 2, 2014. Executive Mail Center Manager (EMCM) Industry Speaker Database Form; Inquiries & Contact List; PCCAC Education Toolkit; Texas 1 (Gulf Atlantic) District - Resume Operations - Nashville Post Office UPDATE Gulf Atlantic District Job Posting Period 04/23/2020 - 04/25/2020 germaine. Executive Mail Center Manager (EMCM) Industry Speaker Database Form; Inquiries & Contact List; PCCAC Education Toolkit; Southern Area-Gulf Atlantic District -- Plant Suspension Due to Hurricane Sally How much do you know about the Postal Service’s areas and regions? To operate more efficiently and better serve customers, the organization recently consolidated its seven delivery and retail operations areas to four: Atlantic, Central, Southern and Western Pacific. Bob Quinlan, Southeast AVP. Mail Incentives | PostalPro (usps. sozdrmdxbffbpetgchsahecsqfnatxhyqjfraxutqyxgicwliqyblrjznu